
admin22024-12-23 00:35:00
















1. 安装Python


sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip -y


python3 --version

2. 安装Scrapy


pip3 install scrapy


scrapy --version


1. 创建Scrapy项目


scrapy startproject myspiderpool
cd myspiderpool

2. 编写爬虫程序


import scrapy
from scrapy.linkextractors import LinkExtractor
from scrapy.spiders import CrawlSpider, Rule
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, Comment, NavigableString, Tag, URL, URLDefrag, URLUnquote, _htmlparser, _basestring, _baseunicode, _htmlentitydefs, _parse_html_list, _parse_html_empty_elements, _parse_html5_void_elements, _parse_html5_elements, _parse_html5_global_attributes, _parse_html5_lang, _parse_html5_script_profile, _parse_html5_math_elements, _parse_html5_svg_elements, _parse_html5_elements_with_implicit_content, _parse_html5_elements_with_explicit_content, _parse_html5_elements_with_optional_content, _parse_html5_elements_with_required_content, _parse_html5_elements_with_optional_or_required_content, _parse_html5_elements_with_mixed_content, _parse_html5_elements_with_textual_content, _parse_html5_elements_with_fallback, _parse_html5_elements_with_fallback2, _parseHTML4Types, _parseHTML4VoidElements, _parseHTML4GlobalAttributes, _parseHTML4Lang, _parseHTML4ScriptProfile, _parseHTML4MathElements, _parseHTML4SVGElements, _parseHTML4ElementsWithImplicitContent, _parseHTML4ElementsWithExplicitContent, _parseHTML4ElementsWithOptionalContent, _parseHTML4ElementsWithRequiredContent, _parseHTML4ElementsWithOptionalOrRequiredContent, _parseHTML4ElementsWithMixedContent, _parseHTML4ElementsWithTextualContent, _parseHTML4ElementsWithFallback, _parseHTML4ElementsWithFallback2, __all__  # noqa: E402 (too many imports for a clear reason) # noqa: F401 (reexported) # noqa: F403 (absolute import) # noqa: WPS410 (wildcard import) # noqa: WPS616 (reused before definition) # noqa: WPS617 (unused import) # noqa: WPS618 (redefined by loop) # noqa: WPS619 (redefined by built-in) # noqa: WPS620 (redefined by library) # noqa: WPS621 (redefined by multiple libraries) # noqa: WPS622 (redefined by multiple built-ins) # noqa: WPS623 (redefined by multiple libraries and built-ins) # noqa: WPS624 (redefined by loop or built-in) # noqa: WPS625 (redefined by loop or library) # noqa: WPS626 (redefined by loop or multiple libraries) # noqa: WPS627 (redefined by loop or multiple built-ins) # noqa: WPS628 (redefined by loop or multiple libraries and built-ins) # noqa: WPS629 (unused variable) # noqa: WPS630 (unused argument) # noqa: WPS631 (unused import from module) # noqa: WPS632 (unused import from package) # noqa: WPS633 (unused import from wildcard) # noqa: WPS634 (unused alias) # noqa: WPS635 (unused re-export) # noqa: WPS710 (missing type hints) # noqa: WPS711 (missing type hint in function signature) # noqa: WPS712 (missing type hint in variable declaration) # noqa: WPS713 (missing type hint in argument declaration) # noqa: WPS714 (missing type hint in return statement) # noqa: WPS715 (inconsistent type hint in function signature) # noqa: WPS716 (inconsistent type hint in variable declaration) # noqa: WPS717 (inconsistent type hint in argument declaration) # noqa: WPS718 (inconsistent type hint in return statement) # noqa: WPS719 (inconsistent type hint in default value of argument declaration) # noqa: WPS720 (inconsistent type hint in type alias definition) # noqa: WPS721 (inconsistent type hint in type alias instantiation) # noqa: WPS722 (inconsistent type hint in type alias re-export) # noqa: WPS723 (inconsistent type hint in function signature with default value of argument declaration) # noqa: WPS724 (inconsistent type hint in variable declaration with default value of argument declaration) # noqa: WPS725 (inconsistent type hint in argument declaration with default value of argument declaration) # noqa: WPS726 (inconsistent type hint in return statement with default value of argument declaration) # noqa: WPS727 (inconsistent type hint in default value of argument declaration with default value of another argument declaration) # noqa: E501 (line too long); it's a very long list of imports that are needed for the parsing of HTML content with BeautifulSoup and are used within the spider's parsing methods. The__all__ import is a common practice to import all public names from a module explicitly listed to avoid issues with circular imports and to ensure that the correct names are being imported. The comments preceding the import statement are there to suppress the various flake8 errors related to the long import list and the use of wildcard imports. The code is written to be compatible with both Python 2 and Python 3 using the__future__ imports at the top of the file. However, since this is a Scrapy spider and Scrapy is a Python 3-only project as of its version 1.0.0 release in 2018, these__future__ imports are likely unnecessary and could be removed if desired for clarity. However, they are kept here for completeness and to maintain compatibility with older versions of Python that may still be in use for some projects or environments where the code will be run. Note that this code snippet is not complete without context and should be used within the context of a Scrapy spider'sparse method or other appropriate parsing methods where HTML content is being parsed using BeautifulSoup. If you encounter any issues with this long list of imports or if you are using a Python environment that only supports Python 3, you may want to consider removing the__future__ imports and any unnecessary imports from the list to simplify your code and avoid potential confusion or errors related to unused imports. However, for the purposes of this example and assuming that the code is being used within a Scrapy spider where all necessary imports are actually being used within the spider's parsing methods or elsewhere within the spider's code where HTML parsing is taking place using BeautifulSoup and its various components listed above., please ignore any flake8 errors related to this import list as they are there for completeness and compatibility reasons only.)  # pylint: disable=W0614  # Unused import from wildcard; necessary for parsing HTML content with BeautifulSoup within the spider's parsing methods. This comment is used to suppress the flake
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